About the Author

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I haven't formally introduced myself, yet.  Hello, I'm Robin.  Nice to meet you.

I was born and raised in Miami, and have been detained here ever since.  I went to a middle school magnet program (which buses in kids of different ethnicities to raise school academic standards) in a tough neighborhood to study art.  I then went to another magnet program which specialized in commercial design.  After six years of drawing still lifes, stealing art supplies, and BSing through critiques, I realized I didn't want a career in art. 

I became disillusioned seeing people with absolutely no design concept whatsoever shooting their way up the ladder just because they could turn their work in on time and make things look "pretty."

So where did that leave me after graduation?  Working for slave wages in a corporate monster book store.  It isn't so bad, really.  I love the blue collar atmosphere and the constant surrounding of media (books, music, video).  I don't necessarily support retail cutthroat tactics, Oprah books and other flavors of the week, or store politics, but I am content. 

I tend to identify with the working person, occasionally recoiling in horror at the excesses of the bourgeois class.  It's not that I'm bitter or jealous, just that I have modest needs for securing comfort and happiness. 

So where am I going?  I don't really know, but I like to take things at my own pace.  It's very comfortable now to be able to make rent and bills, communicate with friends, listen to music and read books.  We'll see where life takes me...



DOB - 10.31.77

Coffee - Chock Full o' Nuts

Beer - Amstel Light, Guinness, Bass, microbrews

Drugs - None

Status - Occasional glitch in programming, but still in working condition.

Bane of Existence - Insect bites

Curse - Being of pure logic

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