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Just Say NO to Bush And His Evil Henchmen!

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04.30.03 AM

Oh, Insomnia, you bastard!

Late night websurfing has produced:

Vote to Impeach Bush

Okay, no more politicking, at least for a little bit. This ain't really the place for it. But yeah, I hate this false administration that much.


Ye gods! Who knew there were so many beautiful women in this country! Check dis out, oh those of the disenchanted:

No cure for insomnia, but good for disillusionment. (Who knew there were that many pairs of catty glasses in existence!) Ignore the homepage and it's idiotic ads and go straight to the 'girls' link.


About a week ago, I remember drunkenly rambling to a couple friends about how Stalin would edit unfavorable people from photographs. Shouldn't we be more worried about something like in this age of photoshop?

Gonna try to get a little sleep.


04.29.03 AM

I was wrong about the last record-breaking campaign fund figure. Bush/Cheney's 2000 campaign fund was $190 million. I hope next year they blow even more money they plan to.

I honestly can't understand how public officials (that I help pay) can run amok and disregard the will of the American people so egregiously. Doug tells me there are currently 20 congressmen who are members of the Ku K1ux K1an. I'll have to check on that.

Alright, you don't need me to blab about this. I only know what I'm saying half the time. Go here: 


I've decided that being a nice guy is detrimental to my livelihood, lest I should become a eunuch or a monk. I'm going to embrace the willing hands of evil - dark horrible evil. No more pushover, no more pansy. Take a little chance, taste a little danger. That's what I need in my life.


I miss my cat.

I had to leave her when I moved and I'd like to think that we're both better off.

Don't tell anyone I said that sh!t about my cat or I'll kick your ass.


04.25.03 PM

What's the deal with these jerkoffs and their ridiculously loud motor cycle/ car engine revving? Is it the only thing that reaches the proper frequency to give their numb nuts sensation?


The other day I'm reading the paper (I finally got a subscription to the New York Times) and I come across an article mourning the American war dead. I find my eyes watering up uncontrollably. These people, our servicemen, many of them are gung ho frat boy jerks - people who would only pick on me in school and buy Kid Rock albums in the states - and yet I can't help but feel fcukin' terrible that they've been sent to this awful unjustified war.

Yes, I'm vehemently anti-war in regards to the Iraq situation. No I don't go waving the flag gratuitously - there are enough empty gestures.

Also, I read in the Times about how the Bush re-election committee is going to start their campaign late to coincide with the September 11 anniversary in order to outshine the Democrats in front of the American people. They're also planning to spend a record $200 million on the campaign. Which campaign held the old record of about $100 million? Bush/Cheney 2000.

Those bastards.

Alright enough of the soapbox.

So I've been pretty comfortable being single lately. Even beating off doesn't get depressing. The three principles hard at work: laziness, selfishness, and insensitivity. 

A part of me worries that I might be putting off something by holding fast to these principles.

ahh... if it works, it works. (laziness)

I wouldn't have any personal time anyhow. (selfishness)

It's not like she's perfect, either. (insensitivity)

alright, that's it.


04.25.03 early morning

Welcome Back, Asshole

After months of rough seas I'm back with a spankin' new computer (flat panel LCD, 2.53ghz, 512mb ram, etc., bizatch!) and a new residence. 


That's the corner view and my 'experimental' bed setup. There's a futon mattress on the bottom there which acts as a nice little seat or foot rest (I sometimes find myself sleeping there).

The rest is all junked up with computer boxes and my old computer. I'll show you the rest when I clean up all the crap.


So after months upon months of emotional strife and baggage and related crap, I've reached a high point of contentment. No longing, no necessity for a relationship - none of that. The downside is that I've become increasingly lazy, selfish and insensitive. If you want to be happy outside of a relationship those three things are necessary. In other words: become even more of an asshole.

Speaking of which, I gotta get moving. Be back soon.

About Me

My Forecast: Look the storm in its eyes.


The Best Democracy Money Can Buy by Greg Palast

Stupid White Men by Michael Moore

Current Spins:


Adult. - Any recordings I can get my hands on


The Libertines - Up the Bracket

Yeah Yeah Yeahs - All Releases

Fischerspooner - #1

The Moldy Peaches - Moldy Peaches 2000: Unreleased Cutz and Live Jamz


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