At the Movies



Ah, movies: Love 'em, hate 'em, beat off to 'em. There's a genre for every type and a critic for every genre.

Mike's Classic Five - in which Michael Maxfield delivers his classic five lineup of our generation.

The Fifth Element Scale - in which Jorge Champin explains the process by which we rate movies relative to the movie of the derived name.

Robin's Cookie-Cutter Disgust - in which Robin vents his dislike of all movies cookie-cutter.

More to come...

Edited by bookshopslave

Recently Viewed:


Beijing Bicycle (4.5-E)

Waking the Dead (4.5-E)

Amelie (5-E)

Storytelling     (4-E)

Resident Evil  (3.5-E)




No Man's Land (4.5-E)

A Beautiful Mind (4-E)

Lord of the Rings (3.5-E)

The Transporter (3-E)

In the Bedroom (3-E)

Crossroads (4.5 E*)

